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The Main causes of Brain Damage | Smoking | Sleep Deprivation | Covering the Head while Sleeping | Brain Health

الأسباب الرئيسية المسببة لتلف العقل (Brain Damage) هي

1: عدم تناول وجبة الإفطار الصباحية

2:  تناول الأطعمة لحد التخمة

3:  التدخين  (Smoknig)

4: التناول المفرط للسكر

5: متلوث الهواء

6: الحرمان من النوم (Sleep Deprivation)

7: تغطية الرأس خلال النوم (Covering the Head during Sleep)

8: إجهاد المخ خلال فترة المرض

9: عدم تحفيز التفكير

10: ندرة التحدث أو إجراء الحوار


          The brain, a complex and vital organ, is responsible for controlling various bodily functions, emotions, thoughts, and actions. While the brain is resilient, it is not immune to damage, which can have profound and lasting effects. Understanding the main causes of brain damage is crucial for promoting Brain Health and preventing potential harm. The Main causes of Brain damage:

1.  No morning breakfast.

2.  Eat food until expectoration.

3.  Smoking.

4.  Excessive sugar intake.

5.  Air pollution.

6.  Sleep deprivation.

7.  Covering the head during sleep.

8.  Brain stress during the illness.

9.  Do not motivate thinking.

10. Rare speaking or dialogue.



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