Rabi.ul.awal gives us the message of unity, love , forgiveness, determination and devotion


life is hard :: with God nothing is impossible :: how can i change my life

‘A ship is safe in Harbour, but that is not what ships are for’.
People keep saying ‘life is too short’ and you have to enjoy every second!
Well, whether life is short or not, it is not going to last forever.
The valid question is: what life is all about?
The day we know why we are here on this earth and decide our goals, we will be more than ready to pay the price!
The more we know..
The less nonsense we are going to tolerate.
You will tune out many people you encounter along your journey who think they have the right to determine what you should be.
 You have a purpose in life
 exceeds what they have told you.
 No road is long with an appealing vision!
Having a compelling vision ignites the Spark in our life as it gives us the power to be patient and persistent.
 ‘People with clear vision succeed simply because they know where they are going’
‘Until your mission is an obsession, nothing will change in your life’ Robin S.



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